James Drake The Anatomy of Counting and Position, Installation view Moody Gallery 2014
James Drake Thank You Pontormo, drawings #1284-1307, 2014 graphite, ink, and charcoal on book pages 76" x 144" JD 238
James Drakes Satellites, drawings # 1260 & 1261, 2014 graphite and charcoal on paper 19" x 48" JD 244
James Drake Brain Trash, 2013 inkjet prints on archival paper, ed: 3 diptych: left part 60" x 55", right part 29 3/4" x 30" JD 235
James Drake Black Swan, drawings #1254 & 1255, 2013 graphite and charcoal on paper 19" x 48" JD 243
James Drake Renaissance Object, drawings #1249, 1250 & 1251, 2013 graphite, ink and book pages on paper 42 1/2" x 52 1/2" JD 239
James Drake Brain Coral, drawings #1246, 1247 & 1248, 2013 graphite, ink, and book pages on paper 19" x 72" JD 240
James Drake Naked Chicken, drawings #1258 & 1259, 2013 graphite, ink, and book pages on paper 19" x 48" JD 241
James Drake Spider & Glove, drawings #1256 & 1257, 2013 graphite, ink, and book pages on paper 19" x 48" JD 242
James Drake The Anatomy of Counting and Position, drawings #1280-1283, 2014 graphite, ink, charcoal, and book pages on paper 38" x 48" JD 237