Ellen Tanner
Greek Mythologies
November 4 - December 16, 2023
Holiday Reception: Saturday, November 4, 3-5 pm, Artist Talk 4 pm
Moody Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of recent paintings by Ellen Tanner. Greek Mythologies, on view November 4 - December 16, 2023, marks Tanner’s third solo exhibition at the gallery since 2009.
Ellen Tanner writes about Greek Mythologies-
“Ancient people created narratives to explain natural phenomena, as well as civilization's position within that world, without the benefit of scientific knowledge. Such narratives bear fertile ground for the imagination. Despite the astonishing advances in scientific understanding and technology available to us today, humans are still brought to our knees by the same natural forces and character flaws as our ancient ancestors. These well-worn character flaws of greed, lust for power, willful ignorance, and hubris have long led humanity down a familiar path of ruin. This gives these stories a haunting relevance for us and our world today. Whether through capitulation to these shortcomings or scrappy resistance, we all are fated to parry with these themes as part of our human condition.
I've always been drawn to narrative art, which creates a window into the human experience and resonates across an expanse of time. My favorite moments in art history are the elaborate illuminated manuscripts of the medieval period and the Early Renaissance during which meticulous details and renderings were brought to life with a jewel box of color. Artists during these eras usually learned to paint in the workshop of an incredibly skilled craftsperson. Because these methods weren't taught in university art classes, I imagined myself in these workshops and came up with an approach to artmaking that got me closer to accomplishing the painting styles I have always been drawn to.
Perplexing to some and intriguing to others is the tiny scale of these paintings. The intimacy between a viewer and a miniature world has always captivated me. I paint with two magnification layers, so the viewer must come quite close and stay for a bit to see the details lavished on each piece. These paintings of ancient tales are also ardent celebrations of my deep and abiding reverence for the natural world and the rich textures, colors, and patterns that abound therein.”
-Ellen Tanner
Ellen Tanner earned a BFA in Graphic Design at the University of North Texas in 1998 and worked as an illustrator and graphic designer at Fossil Watch Company for 5 years. In 2003 she moved to Austin and earned a degree in Art Education from the University of Texas. During that time, she devoted as much time as possible to working in the studio and teaching herself to paint. Inspired by the fine detail and luminous colors of the Flemish masters, she has sought out information on their techniques and has cobbled together a personal approach to painting with thin glazes of color over a grisaille. She applies these skills with a microscopic focus that makes each painting a tiny yet fully realized world, rich with detail and color. Sources of inspiration include ancient tales exposing human nature, the secret lives of animals, creatures and characters in myths. These stories provide the framework which she fills with a unique cast of characters.
Moody Gallery is open Tuesday - Friday 10:30 am - 5 pm and Saturday 11 am - 5 pm. Ellen Tanner: Greek Mythologies can also be viewed online at moodygallery.com. For more information, please call or email the gallery at 713-526-9911 or info@moodygallery.com.